Government supports repowering process in North Rhine-Westphalia

Wind power plays a decisive role in climate protection in Nord Rhine-Westphalia. The replacement of old wind turbines with new ones was on the agenda at the conference ‘Wind power and re-powering – the current situation and possible communal action in NRW’, which was held by EnergieAgentur NRW on November 21st, 2013 in Witten. In the keynote speech ‘Development and challenges in re-powering in NRW and the region’ Dr. Norbert Allnoch presented the current SLAM concept for the regenerative energy industry in NRW and sketched out the current status of NRW wind power use. At their core the current discussions on re-powering in the municipalities are concentrated on the areas of species protection, the protection of places and landscapes, the planning process, efficiency and lease models and acceptance issues. Concrete recommendations for action were posed to the state based on a questionnaire to the municipalities with the aim of supporting the re-powering process, which is still at an early stage in NRW.

- Download the lecture by IWR „Windenergie und Repowering - aktuelle Situation und kommunale Handlungsmöglichkeiten in NRW“ in Witten

Released on: 2013-11-25