Press Info Climate Change

Trend opinion
Climate protection requires a limitation of greenhouses gases. That cannot be done without a global agreement on climate protection, such as the Kyoto Protocol. This relies on countries imposing limits on themselves.

The fact is: In 2014, Global CO2 emissions - at 35.5 bln tonnes - again reached a new record level. Since 1990 the energy-related emissions have increased by more than 50 per cent. The results of the annual UN climate conferences and the surge in global CO2 emissions, is a clear indication of the world community´s inaction on this issue. The most recent negotiations anticipate the drafting of a global agreement in Paris in 2015, which would then take effect beginning in 2020. It seems to be the case that the issue of climate change is destined to be dragged out further into the future. It is time that a change in the current paradigm is considered and alternatives are developed.

Trend opinion
Global warming is not a new phenomenon. It is a natural process. Moreover, in past epochs of the planet’s history it was already significantly warmer than it is today. Besides, climate change has been taking a break the last 15 years, meaning the forecasted rise in temperatures have no validity. The climate projections are all wrong. Therefore, there is no reason for worry.

The fact is: Throughout earth's history there were often epochs in which the concentration of CO2 and temperatures on the planet were significantly higher than they are today. There were also phases characterised by lower average temperatures. One thing distinguishes the current situation from earlier ones: There are 7 billion people on our planet, who want to be fed and who, in the places they have long lived, are threatened by rapid climate change.